Eutopia from Trickster-P
I only experienced two immersive projects from Tricker-P but both were brilliant. These two are Nettles and Twilight. Both of which were available during the art festival of T-Werk in Potsdam. Ever since I follow the company to see what they are up to next. Now their new show Eutopia is out and I would…
Save The Date [New Show in Berlin]
Theater ANU announced a new immersive show that will be available from the 27th of Juli until the 13th of August 2022. Location is Berlin, Germany – Tempelhofer Feld. Theater ANU. Poetische Welten. More information should be available soon here: https://theater-anu.de/theater-anu/moor-info-coming-soon/
Voyeurism and masked encounters: The pleasures of a Punchdrunk experience
Punchdrunk is probably one of the best-known theatre companies offering immersive theatre experiences and has an ardent fanbase. They have created a number of immersive productions in which the audience were free to explore the different rooms of an old building or abandoned warehouse, each of which contained a different scene from the story. The…